• Favorite Movement: Barbell back squat

  • Favorite Food: Red meat & eggs

  • Favorite Place to Travel: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

  • Hobbies: Travel, Language learning

  • Certifications: Certified Personal Trainer- National Council on Fitness & Strength

  • Favorite Quote: “Become the person you admire in every way, and share that person with the world.”



I grew up being very physically active but dove deep into my health and fitness in my late twenties. I struggled with insecurities about not being strong or athletic enough to be a good basketball player in high school. I felt physically weak in an athletic family and friends group. I also struggled with gastrointestinal issues that plagued me throughout my teens and twenties. By the time I turned 30, I decided it was time to finally change both of these situations once and for all, and build a body that looks and feels the way I want. I dove deep into holistic health and biohacking and became a certified personal trainer as part of the process. I’ve tried many different diets, everything from a short vegan stint to nearly carnivore and everything in between. I’ve also experimented with how I exercise, sleep, and live on a day-to-day basis to optimize how I look and feel. Now in my mid-thirties, I’ve designed a healthy and sustainable lifestyle I can stick with for the long haul. I love sharing what I have learned through my journey with our members so that they can do the same!


I believe my purpose in life is simply to learn and teach, in all areas of life. In the area of fitness, I see myself as someone who has “cracked the code” on how to live a strong and healthy lifestyle, and I want to share my vision and teach others how to do the same. Fitness is highly personalized, nutrition perhaps even more so. Everyone has a different level of interest and motivation in their fitness, so I always make sure to coach our members as individuals, making sure to deliver a highly personalized experience. I believe that simplicity equals consistency, but also love to help our members experiment with their training and nutrition to develop the perfect blueprint for success. From different diets, eating windows, sleep hacks, tracking macros, workout timing, rep ranges, etc… I love working through it all.


I became a personal trainer at age 32 after having worked in a different field throughout my twenties. I was a Spanish translator/interpreter for seven years and also worked for an organization called Be The Match (National Marrow Donor Program) for three years. I speak five languages and love to travel and learn about the world, but now that I am in my mid-thirties, my greatest passion has become understanding how our bodies work, and I am pursuing a better understanding of that every day.